Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcome to the new Wellness Works Blog!!

In our recent Welness Works Committee meeting, we discussed the creation of a new chelsea st. louis to inquire about navigation to the blog and how to leave comments!!! She can also help you create your own blogger acount...dont hesitate to ask questions as we are in the creation phase with this blog!!


  1. It appears that you DO NEED a blogger profile in order to post comments to the wellness works blog...
    This is very easy to do. simply go to and create a blog...then choose to follow the wellness blog.
    If you already have an active google account, you can sign in via the FOLLOW button (via google friend connect)
    please email Chelsea St. Louis with navigation and sign up/in questions.
    test comment from ~be-well-blogger~

  2. Wow this really is looking great!

  3. yes I agree!! Cant wait to see what the fall brings for Wellness blog discussions!

  4. It's the same as a gmail account. I didn't know it was the same. Easy? I dunno about that!
