Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weight Watchers at Work

We are looking for new members to join our At Work meetings in the New Year! Check out this "shot in the arm", one of the little helpful, encouraging things that the Weight Watchers corp. provides its memebers.


Thought for the Week -"Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill." -- Christopher Parker

No matter how hard I try to ignore the holiday hustle and bustle surrounding me, it continues.

What happened to the woman who loved every part of the holidays? Who is responsible for substituting a Scrooge for this person who enjoyed writing little notes in the holiday cards?

Can it all be blamed on a crazy schedule with not a minute to think about sitting on Santa’s lap? Or am I experiencing that in-between time when our children have become adults and the grandkids are still too young to notice if there are holiday decorations in Grandma’s house? (That thought alone makes me want to take this year off!)

Down in Maryland this weekend, I met some people who were sweet enough to tell me they enjoyed reading my weekly Shots. Cringing, I replied, “This week’s Shot is still in my head!” Which really was a lie. Guilt over not finding the time to write the Shot was flying around in my head, leaving room for nothing else.

The hours had turned into days and now it’s almost time for next week’s Shot. Realizing now that the time I’ve spent worrying about writing it, would’ve been more productive if I had just sat myself down at the keyboard.

But filled with indecisiveness, whether to address the holiday time or the end of a year’s goal, or the snow that’s now covering the ground once again, I felt more like a kid in a candy store trying to settle on which sweet would be mine.

Finally convincing myself that this week’s doesn’t have to be the best Shot, it just has to be a done Shot, my fingers started tapping away. (Please nod your head in agreement if you have ever found yourself in a similar predicament – so busy you didn’t have time to focus, waiting for the exact right time to tackle a project and the perfect amount of inspiration to make it a smash hit. Only to find yourself a week or two later still saying, “When I have the time.”)

I envy people who have their To-do List and make a check as each task is completed. Do they just have drawers full of motivation they’re able to reach into for that added “oomph” when needed? Or is it that they don’t take on as much as some others on a continual basis? (My husband would love to be married to this person!)

Hark! (A little holiday jargon) I am ready to shrug off this veil of inertia – it wasn’t very flattering anyway. It’s time to stop feeling sorry for myself, which in effect has caused my mind to remain in idle even though my body has been going about its business. Once I complete this Shot, feelings of relief will wash over me and will then be followed by a personal scolding as to what took me so long to do this.

So what does this prove?That I’m human? That I need to take a break this upcoming week? (Break would be defined as doing the holiday shopping, card writing, present wrapping, etc. It’s a good thing I don’t really cook anymore!) That I can use this time to recharge my own inspiration and motivation.

Now that the decision has been made to make this a “Bridge” Shot, the least I can do is give you a bonus quote to carry you through the week –

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas
Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”--H. Jackson Brown

Let’s all look to these great people for inspiration – they probably also sometime felt overwhelmed, drained and exhausted. They just didn’t let it keep them from moving on. Be well,Sharon(weight watchers rep)

Weight Watchers at Work will be at the Wellness Works Kick-Off this spring, represented by Chelsea St. Louis and other members. Stop by our table for more ingformations and to ask questions!
Weight Watchers really Works, and has touched the lives of many Staff and some faculty here at JSC, we want it to touch your life too!
Best wishes to all JSC community members, and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wellness Weekly

Well, the holiday rush certainly is upon us!! Its been a few weeks since the last post...I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and are having a Happy Holiday season!! I, like many have been craving those cozy comfort foods of the season, and
The Baking Bug has BIT!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
We all have such fun taking part in our own traditions, and SOOO Often those traditions include a special desert or stuffing or GOODY of some kind. Whatever tradition you are taking part in, Here is an article to help you stay well and not have that CLASSIC NEW YEARS RESOLUTION...to "lose weight" you might have gained over the holidays...

Use This Spice to Curb Holiday Snack Attacks
By RealAge
This Week's Tips

Has the end-of-year parade of goodies started at your home or office? Make them easier to resist by cooking with this flavorful herb: saffron.

In a recent study, a compound in saffron appeared to help overweight women snack about 50 percent less. What better time than now to start nixing the munchies?

Snack Attack
In the study, some of the overweight women got their saffron from capsules. The others took placebos. And after 8 weeks, the women in the saffron group were snacking half as much as they did at the start of the study. They also felt less hungry before meals. Some even lost a couple of pounds. (Saffron will only get you so far. Here are four ways to make truly lasting changes in your eating habits.)
Soothing Saffron
What's the secret behind saffron's snack-snuffing powers? Researchers suspect that compounds in the herb may alter levels of stress-boosting brain chemicals and help decrease anxiety and depression. And that's good news for your waistline because anxiety, stress, and depression are all common triggers for unhealthy eating. Stress triggers cravings for not-so-good-for-you foods, like treats that are high in fat and sugar. And many people calm anxiety or assuage depression with munching, too -- seeking that temporary sense of "Ahhhhh." (Find out more about the psychology behind most people's weight problems.)

Five Ways to Beat Holiday Bulge (Without Gaining the Holiday Blues)
Stay Happy, Healthy and Fit This Holiday Season
By August McLaughlin

Ah, the holidays. The time for togetherness, food, stress, and weight gain? If weight loss tops your holiday wish list or if the fear of weight gain is sucking the fun out of the season, it's time to treat yourself to a large serving of attitude adjustment. Even the busiest holiday bees can keep it all under control and under bulge with some choice management methods and a healthy mindset.
If you know you have a holiday party in the evening, exercise that day, eat healthfully leading up to the party and do not skip meals.
Lauren Schmitt, RD

Become a Healthy Grazer
Severely restricting calories or skipping meals can dampen your mood, increase your appetite and ultimately lead to weight gain.Eating smaller, balanced meals and snacks at regular intervals throughout the day can enhance your blood sugar and energy level while preventing excessive hunger. This is particularly important when you have a holiday event scheduled in the evening. "If you arrive at the party hungry, disaster awaits," says registered dietitian Lauren Schmitt. If you eat healthy snacks throughout the day, you won't be ravenous when you arrive at a dinner party. Schmitt suggests topping your plate with smaller portions than you're accustomed to, then putting your fork down and assessing your hunger partway through the meal. If you're no longer hungry, stop eating. But what if the food tastes incredible? What if it's the tastiest morsel ever to cross your lips? "Remind yourself that you can always have it again, just not right now," says Schmitt.
Holiday Survival Kit
Would you go to work without your purse or briefcase? Would you camp without a tent? Planning ahead is equally important when it comes to achieving your wellness goals. A well-stocked holiday survival kit can help ensure your success. Schmitt suggests carrying a small notepad to track your daily food intake, a bottle of water, healthy snacks -- such as fresh-cut vegetables, nuts or seeds -- and a pedometer to track your steps and motivate you to keep moving. Keep a written record of your goals and include items that motivate you, such as a book or photograph. Whatever your holiday survival kit contains, do your best to make it appealing and motivating. The more enjoyable you make the process of battling the holiday bulge, the more likely you'll be to meet your goals.
Manage Your Stress
Emotional stress can lead to poor food choices, overeating, weight gain and guilt.Eating for comfort or other emotional reasons rather than hunger is normal and harmless if it happens occasionally. If, however, you are a habitual emotional eater and have weight to lose, the holidays can trigger multiple challenges and result in weight gain, according to Geneen Roth, workshop leader and author of eight books, including "Breaking Free From Emotional Eating." Roth explains that coping with holiday stress with food only provides temporary comfort. If your food cravings increase along with your stress load, seek alternate means of comfort and relief. This may mean going for a walk, practicing yoga, having coffee with a friend, getting weekly massages or taking a warm bubble bath. Whatever your non-food-related sources of comfort and relaxation are, practice them. Consider it a gift to yourself that can help improve your dietary behaviors and prevent you from becoming a Grinch this holiday season.
Run and Play
Active playtime can burn calories, distract you from snack foods and draw you closer to your loved ones.Staying active throughout the holiday season is crucial. If you find treadmills and sweaty gyms unappealing, fear not. You do not need to "go out and run a marathon to get fit," says Jodi Kealoha, fitness trainer and owner of Jodi K's Luv UrSelf Fitness. "The holidays are a great opportunity to play with children and animals." Walk your dog. Build a snowman. Play hide-and-seek with the wee ones in your family. Kealoha also recommends running your errands -- literally. Wear your sneakers to the mall and grocery store and park far away. Then walk briskly, jog or run to your destination. Making fitness fun can allow you to exercise without feeling as though you're participating in a grueling workout. If you enjoy dancing, dance. If you enjoy hiking, hike. Incorporate a variety of enjoyable activities into your lifestyle for maximum benefits.
Get Your Zs
Healthy sleep habits can prevent excessive hunger, mood swings and lethargy.Sleep is your body's time to restore itself. Sleeping too little is directly correlated to how much you eat and exercise, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep nightly, even during the busy holiday weeks. Your bedroom should be dark and comfortable, and your caffeine intake should not carry on into the evening. Eating a large meal close to bedtime can also disturb your sleep. "If you're unusually hungry at night [after normal food intake], go to sleep," says Kealoha. "Remind yourself that you can always eat more tomorrow."
Practice Gratitude
Focusing on the positives in your life, rather than your waistline, can improve your physical and emotional well-being.Don't become anxious when you see tables filled with delicious food, and avoid focusing on any dietary restrictions you've set for yourself. Instead, focus your attention on the people around you. Practicing gratitude can be key for weight loss or weight maintenance success, according to Laurie Tossy, professional wellness coach and author of "Refuse to Diet: Weight Loss Success Starts With Your Mind Not Your Mouth." Grateful people can lose weight more successfully, Tossy explains, and they can enjoy their lives a whole lot more. She recommends feeding your soul and mind with grateful thoughts each night before going to sleep and every morning upon waking. A similar principle can be applied to holiday parties. Make a concentrated effort to feel and express gratitude to the host of the party, to your friends and family, and for the healthy foods you can enjoy. Appreciate the simple facts that you are alive, well and included in activities with loved ones. In the end, your own health and the ability to maintain it is that ultimate gift of the season.Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/310008-five-ways-to-beat-holiday-bulge-without-gaining-the-holiday-blues/#ixzz17L57eDP3

That last one really stands out to me, you really can change the outcome of things by simply changing your mind!
BE-well-wishes to you all!!
I hope you enjoyed these two helpful artiles.
as always check out the sites that provided this useful wellness info.
www.livestrong.com and www.realage.com